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Back to School

Man that was fast! Summer... while the season is not technically over, the break for school aged children and college folks is finished. School starts in my local district on August 1st and my college kid goes back on August 15th. There has been a flurry of activity at every big box store and home decor store getting everybody ready for this next school year. Now is a perfect time, it you've not already, to throw out old broken crayons, dried up pens and markers, chewed up pencils (why do kids do this?), used up notebooks, and any other office or school supplies that you really don't need or don't work.

This is also a perfect time to refresh your pantry. We are not talking about an all out pantry refurbishment here, just a quick look through to toss any expired items, stale crackers, or anything else that was riffled through during the school break. Also, take a look at your lunch packing supplies. Make sure that you have all the items you need to pack a healthy lunch for your little one.

If you have college age kids, I'm sure that dorm room decor has already been purchased and is all packed up. However, check that list twice. Take a few minutes to really go through in your head what you would need if you were setting out on your own. Take your day from the time your alarm goes off until you close your eyes at night. What do you need? What might you need? I feel sure you will think of something that is really a necessity and not just a "pretty" (for all you girl mamas, two words: fairy lights). Story time...last year my son's roommate didn't even think about toilet paper or trash bags. Of course if your child is living in a traditional dorm, toilet paper is a non issue, but in a suite style he's going to need some toilet paper. Also, snacks for your student's dorm room. Yes, they may have an unlimited meal plan, but the dinning hall has limited hours and she's going to need snacks for those late night study sessions. And my number one... a refillable water bottle! This will save you tons in soda money and also help the environment. My child goes to school in south GA and it is HOT walking across that campus. He didn't think he would need one last year, but he admittedly never left the dorm room without it.

If you do not have school age or college age children, I do want to take this opportunity to encourage you to donate a few school supplies to those children who wouldn't otherwise have them. There are a lot of churches that do school supply drives or even contact your local district to see where they can be donated. I believe that we are called to give of ourselves and just $20 worth of school supplies can be the vehicle to help a child succeed that is less fortunate.

I hope you've had a summer full of wonderfully made memories! Here's to a great 2019/2020 school year! Let's make space for the things you love...

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